Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lucas Mackey Rough Draft

            On a dark clear night if you look up to the sky you will be able to see the moon. For thousands of years man has been amazed but the moon and space.  On July 29, 1958
NASA was established, since then NASA has mad major strives in technology and space exploration. NASA has sent Americans to the Moon and American made robots to Mars. NASA was even apart of the building international space station, which was a group effort buy many counters to billed a massive satellite. NASA has brought America great pride through out the years, but that could all be in danger. In February of 2010 the Obama administration announced that they would be cutting NASA budget for going to the moon agene. Cutting NASA budget will only make thing worse for America. America is already falling down hill in, we depend on other counters for every thing and soon we may count on them to learn about space.
            Take a look back at 1969; America was a self reliable country and the super power of the world. They had been the first to land on the moon and there seemed to be nothing that was out of reach for America. During this time NASA was at an all time high. Today NASA is still at that all time high leading the world in space exploration. In just the last decade NASA has helped in the building of the international space station, and sent robots to mars. But the days of America ruling the space program may soon come to an end. In February 2010 the Obama administration announced that they were going to cut NASA’s budget for going to the moon. This up set me a little bet, because ever sense I was a young kid I was always amazed with space and going to space. I strongly believe that the Obama administration should not cut NASA moon budget. I believe that NASA is on of America’s greatest achievements and we need to preserve it and let it grow.
Sending Americans to the moon was one of the all time greatest achievements. NASA has planed to send Americans back the moon. But the Obama administration doses not think going to the moon is important and there will be no benefit in going agene. “I understand that some believe that we should return to the surface of the moon but I have to say this bluntly, we have been there before” Said Obama. If you look back at the first time Americas went to the moon there were a countless number of good things that help every day people; such as improved kidney dialysis and water purification systems, energy-saving building materials and fire-resistant fabrics. If we return to the moon agene one can only image the time of things we can invent from going to the moon this time.
Obama has given NASA more to more on things such as climate change. “Money will focus on earth based observations to deal with climate change and other environmental issues” said Obama. I completely agree with this and believe that studding ways to improve the climate is important. But Obama also said “We will be sending astronauts to an asteroid. We will land a human on mars and I expect to be around to see it." But how dose Obama plane to make it to Mars, but not spend any money on researching the necessary tools needed to send astronauts to Mars. This is like expecting to get an A in a class with out doing any work. So if Obama wants to go to Mars he needs to start spending money or research and developing the necessary tools needed to make it to Mars.
            “NASA will waste millions of tax payer dollars to send a robot to Mars to see if it has water. While that may be interesting to NASA scientists, it hardly creates value for the American people especially when the robot breaks” said W. E. Messamores. This is the views of many people. They think that going to Mars and the moon is a waste of time and money. Because most of NASA money comes out of the pockets of tax payers there is a lot of debate about what it should be used for. Some people think that NASA should be cut completely or the budget should be significantly decreased. “Private investors like Mike Markkula will find two hippies in a garage in California putting together desktop computers for a small business they started called Apple. Mike invested $250,000 of his money in their vision and these two hippies, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak ended up revolutionizing how we view information, creating billions of dollars of value for Americans, and untold thousands of jobs. That's technological progress” Said Wes Messamore. What Mr. Messamore point for saying this is that he believe that NASA should be self relying, they should make technology that they can make money off of.  Personally I think this Wes Messamore is a little of his rocker. It is extremely ridicules to think that NASA would be able to be a self relying company. The work that NASA dose is for the benefit of the work not to make a profit on.
            America has tossed its cap over the wall of space. John F Kennedy said proudly after the Americans were the first to land on the moon. And in fact we had American had not only tossed crap of the wall of space but over the Iron Curtin on to the USSR by beating them to the moon. To day, America is still throwing crap on all countries that try to surpass them in space technology, but that may all be ending. Obama needs to relight the flame of excellence that America has shown though out there space exploration. Obama need to allow American to once agene return to them moon and from the Moon land on Mars. If Obama continues with his plane to cut NASA funding and not allow America to return to the moon, then America will get crap thrown on them as they watch the rest of the world fly by reaching impossible expectation in space exploration.


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