Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Obama’s budget cut will do to NASA

"Obama Cuts NASA Funding." The Patroit Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2010.

        For decades America has been leading the way in space flight and research. But now that may all be in danger with Obama plan to cut NASA’s funding the days of America ruling space maybe close to over. Obama’s 2011 NASA budget cut will virtually end America’s space fight, leaving China and Russia to rule over the space game. This budget cut will not allowed NASA to keep up there research on developing new space shuttles. And new launcher that is required to get the Americans back to the moon and on to Mars. Obama’s budget cut presses heavily on NASA’s plane to develop new transportation vehicles for getting around on the moon serifs. Buy cutting NASA’s budget they are taking away America’s opportunity to be creative and innovative. America once was a place of new and exiting thing, but it seems as if every day America be come less of what it was and it is allowing other countries to ketch up.       


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