Tuesday, October 12, 2010

McLaughlin, Gabriel. "Obama makes 'uninspired' decision, NASA funding cut will
     slow technological advancement." The Standard. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct.
     2010. <http://media.www.the-standard.org/media/storage/paper1059/news/


Oboma dose have some good ideas about way NASA boget should be
                           Obama dose have some good reasons why NASA’s budget should be cut, but there are a number or reasons why it shouldn’t be. Obama says that because we already when tot the moon once, that there is no reason and will be no benefits of going to the moon again. But if you look at all the good things that came from going to the moon the first time one can only image the time of technology that could come from going to the moon a second time. For example the first time America when from the moon we made advancements in thing such as improved kidney dialysis and water purification systems, energy-saving building materials and fire-resistant fabrics used by firefighters and soldiers image all that could be done now with all the knowledge we now know.

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