Tuesday, October 12, 2010

NASA budget cuts will help China beat U.S.

Romm, Tony. "GOP senator warns NASA budget cuts will help China beat U.S."
     The Hill. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2010. <http://thehill.com/blogs/


In today’s world America is no longer the only supper power every day other counters get closer to passing America. We were once the greatest country in the world, but to day that may not be the case. If you take a look at China, they are getting rich off the United States, almost every thing that we use is almost all made in China. And soon all things to do with space flight might ne made in China as well. Slowly but surely China is creeping up on the United States. This is another vary important reason that the Obama administration should not cut NASA’s budget. If America wants to stay on to from a space stand point then they can not cut NASA’s budget.      


  1. I disagree with this; I think America has enough money for the NASA program, and that bringing up China, saying that there close to beating us with technology, is just an excuse for NASA to get more money.

  2. Well if you would like China to beat us in space technology then I guess your right. But if you want America to succeed like a real American would then you would not want China to beat us.
