Wednesday, October 13, 2010

NASA Budget Cuts Are a Good Thing

Messamore, Wes. "NASA Budget Cuts Are a Good Thing." The Humble Libertarian.
     N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2010. <

In the article posted above, it takes a position opposite of my views. In the article it seas that millions of tax payers dollar will be wasted on things such as sending robots to Mars, the writer of the article believes that it is a waste to send a robot to Mars because it will most likely brake. The writer believes that if the robot were to break it would waste the time and money of millions of people. For that reason he thinks we should spend less time and money on NASA and focus on something that will be more beneficial.  


  1. I agree with this post. I think it is a waste of millions of dollars to send a robot to space, when it’s just going to brake. We need to spend more time and money, on things America really needs.

  2. There is no garnet that the robot will crash. And buy sending robots to mars we create new technologies that help Americans.
